Help Protect Our Communities From a Mega Warehouse Complex
An out-of-state developer, Crossroads Commercial Development, has been aggressively approaching local landowners to sell their properties while secretly communicating with members of our local government and pressuring them to change the zoning of a massive stretch of residential and agricultural land. This act, being undertaken in absolute secrecy from the public, is the only thing that would allow these industrial warehouses to be considered. The legality of the process they are undertaking is questionable and no notification had been given to surrounding communities. What makes things more unsettling is the fact the representatives we voted into office to serve in our best interests had been pushing this through extremely quickly. Had concerned neighbors not spoken up, we very well could have been at a point where it was too late to intervene.
These Warehouses Will Negatively Effect Multiple Communities
Based on information provided by landowners approached to sell their properties, the area in question lies between Orwigsburg, Schuylkill Haven, Blue Mountain High School, and Landingville. Likely less than a mile away in some instances, none of these communities will escape the effects from this possible 400 football field sized behemoth. To make it worse, its entire length stretches along Route 61 – already the busiest transportation artery in our area.
This Is Their “Enterprise Opportunity Overlay District”
William Aiello and his development company, Crossroads Commercial Development, have sent a draft proposal to our supervisors encouraging them to apply the overlay you see above which would allow him to begin industrial development across our township. His company has no ties or invested interest to our communities; yet he expects our elected officials to green light this questionably legal practice that would affect a land area larger than any of the towns surrounding it. Please do not doubt for a moment that he will not stop until he has squeezed all of the profit from your neighbors, friends, families, and communities. If we give William Aiello an inch, he will consume the area you see above and leave it a seemingly endless horizon of warehouses and industrial infrastructure. The only real “opportunity” he sees is to enrich himself and those helping him reach his goals.
It is important to remember, this is the first time a developer has tried to abuse overlay districts in our township. If William Aiello succeeds, it sets a precedent and his next “opportunity” may be bordering your home.
You can read more about the proposal and what overlays were created for (spoiler: they were meant to help keep distribution centers away from homes and environmentally sensitive areas – not build around them, decrease their value, and eventually absorb them)
You can download the proposed map here:
Zoning Concept Map Draft
And the full proposal here:
Enterprise Opportunity Overlay District Draft
How Can I Help?
Attend Our Next Local Meeting
Board of Supervisors
303 Manheim Road
Pottsville, PA 17901
Google Map Link
Monday, January 6 2025 @ 9:00 AM
Agenda: Provided 24 Hours Prior to Meeting
We are selling yard signs for $10 w/metal stake, $5 w/out. All proceeds go into the community group’s fund for future awareness campaigns and legal fees. Signs can be picked up at Tobash Service Station, Route 61 (click for map). You can also email for additional options.
In the Media
These media outlets have reported on Stop61Warehouses
Media Liaison:
This Will Become One Giant Warehouse Complex
Nearly all of what you see here, and surprisingly much more, will fall within the area being considered for the “Enterprise Opportunity Overlay District.” It is frightening how large this thing could actually be.
You’ll Be Surprised to Know…
Until December 5th, the North Manheim Township Supervisors would not release the developer’s warehouse rezoning plan draft that they had for several months. Based on the parcels they are trying to acquire we estimate it will involve nearly 500 acres of farmland. Image an area that is the size of nearly 400 football fields. You can drive your car nearly a mile in every direction and that’s the size of this mega warehouse project.
When each Supervisor was asked directly at a supervisor meeting if they would want the warehouse in their backyard Wayne Bowen said NO, William Webber said NO and William Searle III said NO. Then why in the backyard of other residents of the township?
If anyone can find Crossroads Commercial Development’s corporate website, we’d love for you to send us the link. From what we’ve heard, William Aiello is extremely proud of his years of introducing large warehouse projects in rural Pennsylvanian areas. Unfortunately, we are coming up empty handed when looking for any of his businesses. We thought a developer responsible for projects in the hundreds of millions of dollars would have an easy to find online presence. If you can track anything down, please send it to . In the meantime, enjoy our comprehensive website created a by non-profit group of rural citizens who will be completely transparent with you and respond to all of your questions.