Residents of North Manheim Township are sounding the alarm about a proposal to convert hundreds of acres of Pennsylvania farmland into Mega warehouses. This project poses several threats, including severe traffic congestion, decreased air quality, increased noise and light pollution, and disruption to local wildlife. Additionally, it would harm soil that has been cultivated for generations.
Crossroads Commercial Development plans to acquire farmland and adjacent parcels along Adamsdale Road and Greenview Road in Schuylkill Haven, which runs parallel to Route 61 in Southern Schuylkill County. This proposal includes the construction of two or more Mega warehouses, that may be over 100 feet tall and tower over the properties. Currently, the land and surrounding properties are zoned for residential and agricultural use. However, the developer is urging township supervisors to change the zoning to allow for industrial use. The developer personally prepared a plan for our supervisors to establish an Enterprise Overlay District to facilitate this change. This will essentially change our agricultural zoning to industrial. Unfortunately, despite numerous requests and a right to know demand from residents, the supervisors did not share this plan with the community until December 5th and continue to fast-track it behind closed doors. This hasn’t, however, stopped them from communicating with the developer (See Email Below.)
The Stop61Warehouses group, consisting of North Manheim Township residents and other concerned community members, are opposed to the proposed warehouse project. Our website aims to raise public awareness, demand transparency from township officials, report on relevant activities, provide ways to help, and fundraise to cover legal costs. We call upon all Schuylkill County residents who wish to preserve the safety and beauty of our community to support us. If a developer can come in to or our community and change zoning on demand they can do it in your community too. We must take a stand.
The developers seem unconcerned about the negative impacts on our community, such as loss of homes, increased heavy truck traffic and crashes, road damage, drainage and runoff problems, decreased property values, and rising levels of noise, light, and air pollution. Their primary focus appears to be entirely profit at the expense of the quality of life of others. We urge all community members to stand with North Manheim residents in opposing these warehouses. This is our home, and if we don’t fight for it, who will?