Surprising Facts
Where we keep track of the surprisingly biased, questionably legal, and seemingly unethical situations that we have encountered so far in this process. We also have a section on the adverse effects large warehouse projects have on surrounding areas.
These Facts Should Upset You
As of December 3, 2024 William Aiello and Crossroads Development have not reimbursed North Manheim Township for any time and expenses incurred by the Township and still hasn’t signed the escrow agreement to reimburse the tax payers.
The township solicitor, Mark Koch at a recent township meeting said that “They (William Aiello and Crossroads Development) have been working on this for years”. Based on recently received emails between William Aiello and solicitor Kock, supervisor Bowen, and secretary Tammy Stump they have been assisting the developer along the way. We currently have a request in for all of their communications.
If anyone can find Crossroads Commercial Development’s corporate website, we’d love for you to send us the link. From what we’ve heard, William Aiello is extremely proud of his years of introducing large warehouse projects in rural Pennsylvanian areas. Unfortunately, we are coming up empty handed when looking for any of his businesses. We thought a developer responsible for projects in the hundreds of millions of dollars would have an easy to find online presence. If you can track anything down, please send it to . In the meantime, enjoy our comprehensive website created a by non-profit group of rural citizens who will be completely transparent with you and respond to all of your questions.
These are the official North Manheim Township policy goals & objectives. It would be laughable for someone to say in the same breath that we still uphold these principals and are also considering this project.
- GOAL #1 : To plan all future development in a way that maintains the rural character of the Township and that preserves the quality of the existing residential area.
- GOAL #2; To preserve open space and protect natural resources by directing development away from historic and environmentally sensitive area.
- GOAL #3: To facilitate the preservation of the Township’s productive farmland
Full document can be downloaded here:
North Manheim Township - Policies Goals and Objectives
Until December 5th, the North Manheim Township Supervisors would not release the developer’s warehouse rezoning plan draft that they had for several months. Based on the parcels they are trying to acquire we estimate it will involve nearly 500 acres of farmland. Image an area that is the size of nearly 400 football fields. You can drive your car nearly a mile in every direction and that’s the size of this mega warehouse project.
When each Supervisor was asked directly at a supervisor meeting if they would want the warehouse in their backyard Wayne Bowen said NO, William Webber said NO and William Searle III said NO. Then why in the backyard of other residents of the township?
Things to Consider
We can expect that, based on the projected size of the project, there will be over 1,000 tractor-trailer arrivals and departures in our communities each day, 24/7. This will also directly impact all traffic into and out of Blue Mountain High School, where your newly licensed teenagers will have to compete daily with this heavier truck traffic.
Warehousing facilities consume large tracts of land and have a substantial environmental impact. Freight trucks generate air pollutants, noise, pavement damage, and pose traffic safety threats while moving in and out of warehouses.
According to studies in public health and traffic engineering, heavy trucks create significantly higher environmental impacts than passenger vehicles. Local residents, especially children and the elderly, are exposed to truck-related emissions, which can lead to health issues such as asthma and respiratory allergies. Not to mention the farms and homes surrounding it, the enterprise zone would be within a mile of several major residential areas in our township.